The following images can also be seen on the Animala International

'Beloved' Waterless lithograph and watercolour In the ancient world, dogs were regarded in much the same way as today. Faithful companions and as a treasured part of the family just like this dog portrayed in an ancient mosaic.

'The Oldman' Linocut reduction Water is life. Without clean water nothing survives.

'Beak' Waterless Lithograph Waterless Lithography is a great technique to show the drawn lines of Omnichrom pencil. The pelican is a magnificent bird that responds to this graphic treatment.

Roslyn Wilson Australia 'Purple - Crowned Fairy-Wren' Rare Purple-Crowned Fairy Wren from Kimberley Region of Western Australia. Very small habitat being encroached by widespread grazing. Australian Wildlife Conservancy have taken up leases in areas of habitat destruction to educate and help regenerate lands at risk.

Robin Ezra 'Fishing' Waterless lithograph The herons are the long-legged freshwater and coastal birds in the family Ardeidae, with 64 recognised species, some of which are referred to as egrets or bitterns rather than herons.

'All About the Teeth' Linocut reduction Our waters are essential to the health of the planet and all of the creatures who call it home. Even these fearsome predators, sharp teeth, stealth hunters, cannot survive in polluted waters. The strong will fall if we don't take care of the world around us.

'Smudge' Etching on plexiglass Smudge is our house cat

'Chupa Chups' 4 layer serigraph You know that look when you try to trick your dog and she gives you accusatory side-eye instead? That's this print.

'Brothers' Wood engraving Lezel williams lives in Albuquerque New Mexico. She is owner of Laughing Crow Studio and past owner of Works on Paper Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

'Surfing meerkats' Linocut

'Diamant d'or' John Gould discovered this exotic-coloured bird in 1844. It is also known as Gould's finch, the rainbow finch and Lady Gouldian finch after his late wife, Elizabeth. It is one of Australia's most endangered birds roaming the Northern Territory. It is like a jewel shining in the forest.

'Horse with no name' drypoint on plexiglass I am a New Orleanian with a BA from LSU in foreigh languages and art history. During a year abroad in Florence I studied bookbinding at Gianinni & Figli and was a lettering artist for 25 years. An interest in printmaking was rekindled in classes at a local museum.

‘Athene noctua’ Waterless Lithograph on painted paper Silver coins minted more than 2,000 years ago bore the image of the owl. The ancient Greeks thought that the goddess Athena at times took the form of an owl.

'Etruscan Renna' Waterless Lithograph on Painted paper This print is based on a very decorative ancient Etruscan image.

'Zebra' Experimenting with new printing technique for a wonderful cause.

'Flutter' Waterless Lithograph Butterfly wings are covered by thousands of tiny scales that reflect the light as the Animalia project highlights World Animal Protection

Mary Pulford Australia 'Whale'...Print No 137 Joanne Fitzpatrick Northern Ireland 'Peacocky' Drypoint This print is based on a photograph that I took at Dublin zoo. I find myself drawn to animals that allow me to use lots of mark making in my work. Peacocks are perfect for this due to the layering and the patterns on their feathers.

Zoe Lewis Australia 'Mud Crab' Linoprint Living in coast Queensland my work is inspired by coastal flora and fauna. Of particular interest is the protection of the coastal mangroves and marine environment.

Ruth Thompson Australia 'Flight' Linocut Twitchers of the world unite! Watching and celebrating birdlife is such a great service - to birds, humans and the environment!!

Elaine Ambler Australia 'Maggie Pie' Linocut

Carol Willis Australia 'Nematoda' Nematoda: any unsegmented worm of the phylum nematoda, having a tough outer cuticle. Includes free living forms and disease causing parasites. Found in great numbers in salt and fresh water, and soil. Many are parasitic in man, plants, animals, are of medical significance; are most important in plants, usually destroyed.

Diana Wiseman Australia 'Ostrich Walk' Linocut Something drives me to create art. It has always been there; since childhood. It's the natural environment with its spaces, textures, marks, colours and fauna. I like to work from the complex to simplicity with no message. The process of making art takes me to a peaceful place and a love of animals goes hand in hand.

Joanne Fitzpatrick Northern Ireland 'Peacocky' Drypoint This print is based on a photograph that I took at Dublin zoo. I find myself drawn to animals that allow me to use lots of mark making in my work. Peacocks are perfect for this due to the layering and the patterns on their feathers.

Harry French UK 'Ferocious Tiger' Screen print My work is pragmatic and based on direct observation using sketchbooks. As the sketches evolve I am already considering a suitable media to transpose them i.e. etchings, woodblocks, screen prints and paintings.

William Rigg Australia 'Questioning Koala' Linocut The koala is sitting in a gum tree with a quizzical look, questioning human activity in the habitat of the koala. The block was carved on the beach at Inskip Point in QLD, close to koala habitat, at a time when the QLD Government was looking at legislation to protect koalas and their habitat. The prints were made in Mandurah WA at the CASM workshop

Ayesha Chouglay UK 'Among the marsh marigolds' Linocut I always enjoy that moment when I look into my pond and see all those little faces staring up at me. We regard each other with equal interest I think. Frogs never seem to judge. I decided to create a tribuite to them to share this moment of calm.

Joann Fife Australia 'Pink' Linocut A black labrador named Pink lives next door to my studio. Most days I will receive a visit from her, tail wagging and a ball in her mouth ready for a play.

Ashley Macpherson Australia 'Bumblebee' Copperplate etching & aquatint Bumblebees like other species are in decline due to changing land use and mechanisation. Food supplies for bumblebees have declined but there are conservation efforts in countries that have bumblebee populations. In New Zealand they have for many years been used to pollinate tomato plants and hopefully will continue to do so for years to come. In Tasmania they have replaced hand pollination in some instances.

Alice Le Cras Australia 'Jersey' Waterless Lithograph

Cary James Australia 'Out of Africa' Intaglio This is the first in a series of animal image drawings and etchings photographed on a recent trip to Kenya and Tanzania.

Scotland UK 'Do you really love me' A polar bear and a footprint - I would hope that this, speaks for itself. Not just an aesthetically pleasing leitmotif - the polar bear needs our support. Http://www.ainscannell.com

'Oscar' Waterless Lithograph

'A walk in the park' Linocut printed intaglio A dog may well be the initiator for new friendships between complete strangers. The yellow ochre helps to set the mood of relation and calm.

Alaska 'Animalia' Serigraph The theme Animalia encompasses the taxonomy of natural life. My intention with this piece was to create an image that reflected the development of life from basic structures as well as the continually blurred lines between the artificial realm and the realm of nature

'Emergence' Blind embossed, linocut and chine colle The dragonglys wings though transparent hold the luiminous reflections of many colours. Dragonflys are extremely sensitive to habitat disturbances + need aquatic or riparian vegitation in the waterways where they live to survive.

'Hakuna Matata' Camilo’s most popular series entitled “Marine World” focuses on the marine life of Australia and imaginary sea creatures, it is a call for the protection of endangered marine species. Camilo has won multiple awards internationally including China, Colombia and Australia. He is a citizen of the world.

Ali Murray I am a printmaker living in Wellington, New Zealand. My work typically combines monoprint, collagraph, linocut, drypoint and stencilling. This collagraph print is part of a series (in progress) about endangered wildlife, and more broadly, human's increasing negative impact on our Earth.

'A. didiformis' Drypoint and Chine Colle A skull of Anomalopteryx didiformis (Little Bush Moa) one of the smaller species of the extinct New Zealand bird, the Moa.

Drypoint and Chine Colle As prey animals, Deer tend to prefer the cover of darkness to feed. Ever watchful…

'Hector' Linocut Who could resist him? My favourite little dog - Hector!

Linocut Around March time the sound of the frog signals the return of Spring. Strange as it may seem though, my own pond plays host to a solitary frog. Heard but never seen, his hearty 'croak' has yet to bring forth a mate - maybe next year!

Linocut I love to capture the beauty, power and grace that can only be found in the animal (humans included) kingdom. Relief printmaking is my preferred medium as I love how changing blocks around and using different colour combination and techniques can offer so many variations of a single image.

Linocut A small print of two of my favourite things from my garden- geckos and grevillea everywhere.

Linocut I love to capture the beauty, power and grace that can only be found in the animal kingdom, humans included. The interchangeability of the relief blocks and colours enables me to vary the moods of my subjects in a way that most other art mediums don't allow.

Drypoint Koalas are one of the most recognised animal icons of Australia. Sadly, these beautiful animals are in danger of extinction due to much clearing of their native bushland for urban development. This guy was found napping amongst the trees, no doubt after enjoying a meal of Eucalyptus leaves.


Reduction Woodcut Meet Missy - my Mum's crazy pup that loves to chew, destroy and wear any cane basket she can find.

Linocut - hand coloured I have a large area of native trees and shrubs which is loved by many birds including these little blue wrens.

Drypoint If our bird bath was dry our lovely cat used to sleep in it.

Linocut I enjoy printmaking as relaxation. This is a linocut print of our 15 year old black Labrador x Shepherd Kalu, when he was a puppy 'Kalu Balu' means, black dog in Sinhalese, my mother tongue

'Goose Barnacle' Barnacles can grow almost anywhere under the sea. A beautiful place to live.

Aluminium Etching A family of grey butcher birds have lived in and around our garden for several years. They give us a great joy when they 'pop in'. Drawing and observing them closely in order to make prints, leaves me marvelling at the delicate and intricate beauty of these delightful creatures.

Linocut Everyone knows and loves a Lizard. They are lifetime friends of mine.

Since the seventies, I've watched in disgust and dismay as logging and clear-felling of our native forests have decimated the habitat of the Leadbeater's Possum, pushing these little guys towards extinction. Their 'home' is now reduced to two small pockets in Central Victoria - where the annihilation continues.

'Captain George Curly' Waterless lithograph with hand colouring George much loved, very naughty welsh terrier

Etching with sugar lift - hand painted bees I have recently become a natural bee keeper here at the Abbey so my passions have increased: printmaking, painting, prayer and bees. I hope in these contemporary works the vulnerability of the bees in our ecology can let us take special care of what we plant and spray in our gardens, mindful that whatever is in the garden ends up in the hive and in our honey. Let's keep it healthy.

Aquatint and etching I have recently become a natural bee keeper here at the Abbey so my passions have increased: print making, painting, prayer and bees. I hope in these contemporary works the vulnerability of the bees in our ecology can let us take special care of what we plant and spray in our gardens, mindful that whatever is in the garden ends up in the hive and in our honey. Let's keep it healthy.

Drypoint with hand colouring Birds feature in many of my works. They are winged messengers. Its Greek name is Halcyon. According to legend this bird used to breed in nests on the crest of waves, charming the winds and calming the sea. Their nests are usually found in mud banks.

Linocut Since discovering printmaking I have entered several swaps and love to see other peoples work. I hope to continue learning new techniques and adding colour to my prints.

Eco printed paper and linocut A few months ago I discovered eco-printing. I wanted to combine this with lino printing. That's why I decided to make a cameleon. The chameleon changes his skin into the colours of the leaves and flowers.

'Yosemite Moth' Block Print with water colour

Intaglio I never tire of these little winged creatures who visit my garden. The bees, butterflies and dragonflies hover and flutter amongst the flowers, the magpies herald the morning with their bequtiful song and the little fairy wrens constantly chatter and flit about, all oblivious to joy they bring

Danica is a rescue donkey I met. She was sweet and subdued, with wild rough fur and a strong desire to be rubbed and patted by visitors. Her past seems to be behind her and all she wants now is to sit in your lap and be loved on.

'Magpies' Linocut

Reduction linocut This year I have set myself the challenge of doing a perfect edition of 10 prints for Animalia. I set myself the task of doing 10 editions and then selecting the one I liked best to send. However, it has taken me until now to get an edition that I was happy with. I have some wonderful prints but didn't achieve a full edition until just this week. I'm thankful that the deadline was extended. I've learnt so much from doing this.

Linocut The birds in my garden are a delight, but also quite destructive. We live in harmony with one another most of the time.

'Graceful Sun Moth' Linocut with hand colouring

'an all encompassing desire for survival' Drypoint on plexiglass

Collagraph and Linoprint Watching the play of light and colour on Koi and goldfish moving in water is one of my favourite pastimes.

Drypoint with hand colouring Milhka the 3 month old Polar Bear cub was born at Sea World on the Gold Coast Australia. Her Mother Liyo is from Russia and Father Hudson is Inuit. Polar bears are declining in the wild, due to global warming shrinking sea ice for their hunting. These bears are part of a breeding programme.

'Blue Crane' Collagraph

'Last Laugh' Reduction Linoprint

Reduction Linocut I have been using my photography to inspire my printmaking. This image is an artistic adaptation of a photo I took in March of a willow ptarmigan sunning herself under a willow bush.

Mezzotint with embossing The 'Singer of the Seas' is a creature whose song, to me, echoes notes from an ancient universe. A heart beat that could be silenced if we do not nurture and respect the ocean environment.

'Seagull' Linocut My appreciation for printmaking is deeply rooted in the process involved with creating and hand-pulling prints and the inherent quality of the print. The process of printing, full of quirks and unpredictability from start to finish contributes to the uniqueness of the print. My photographs offer me inspiration to adapt and develop into images to print.

'Contentment' Linocut Told at school that I was 'no good' at art, I gave up until a few years before I retired, when I attended a beginners' drawing evening class. The teacher was a stone lithographer who encouraged me to try printmaking and I have been making prints ever since.

'Turtle' Drypoint Turtles are solitary, wild animals. Not often seen unless you are on a boat. Turtle spotting is a great joy to me. I have extended that pleasure in making this print. Drypoint etching, with dolly wiping and roll over, protecting the turtle with a stencil. Made a variable edition.

Diana Varcoe Hurst Australia Linocut hand coloured The colours of Butterflies inspired this print.

'Hippocampus' Drypoint I was walking on the beach one blustery Autumn day last year when I spotted a number of these beautiful little creatures washed up onto the pebbles. The colour was so vibrant, the patterns so intricate the design so clever, a reminder of the ability of the natural world to inspire and create awe.